
Try the iVision API

Upload a photo to get a list of objects and their context in it, or scroll down to try the iVision OCR and Content-Classification

iVision analyzes images and tells us what's inside

Automate moderation of user-generated ad content. Flag the usual suspects like nudity, weapons, and illegal substances or customize to filter out specific off-brand content.

Combine Ads by Visual Similarity

Find content by visual similarity, keyword tag, or a combination of both so we can serve powerful image-based recommendations and related content in real-time.

Tag Everything, Get Organized

Info Station automatically tags all your images and video so you can quickly organize, manage, and search through your content. It’s fast, easy, and incredibly accurate.

WizVision OCR: Analyzes and automates the categorization and organization of unstructured content in English or Bengali

CNN+LSTM+CTC based OCR(Optical Character Recognition)

Fast access to meaningful content

Provides content tagging and classification that is distinctive to your organization. Users can feel confident that information is accurately organized and managed.

Filters out irrelevant content

Filters out content, such as Webpages about irrelavant content or documents that do not hold business value, to help ensure that only important content is retained, classified and bid on.

Content clustering and search

Allows you to move beyond simple keyword search to enable conceptual search that delivers a more relevant set of results.